
Medals of War: New upcoming game by Nitro Games

Nitro Games has announced a new mobile title, Medals of War. The upcoming game is set in Warland, an over-the-top militaristic world of battling autonomous armies led by Commanders (the player). The game features a wealth of different characters, equipment, and environments. The narrator and the link between the game and the real world are Flower Adams, a beautiful and savvy war correspondent.

Recently, the game developer revealed the art style and first characters of the upcoming game, and we are proud to see some of our artworks among them. The look and feel of the game represent WW2 fantasy – a humorous take on the mid-19th century military themes.

We are pleased to share such great feedback on our work with Nitro Games:

“Room8’s and Nitro Games’ cooperation goes back a long way and successfully worked together on multiple projects. Room8’s work on Medals of War has been phenomenal in terms of reliability of delivery and art quality. We look forward to working with the awesome people of Room8 again in the future.”

We are looking forward to the release of Medals of War and hope to continue fruitful collaboration with Nitro Games.

Check out the game website: www.medalsofwargame.com.

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    Elena Natsvlishvili
    Head of production
    Vadim Krayevoy