

We warmly welcome Alexey Uslavtsev to Room 8 Studio as Executive Producer of the Game Development Division. Previously Alexey was Head of Gameloft Minsk for two years.

What was the main reason for moving back to Kyiv and joining our team? Why Room 8 Studio?

I knew Gleb Platonov before, and from that time, no doubts that he is a professional with a vision for the game dev industry and a proactive position. It was evident that working with him would be challenging and productive. At some point, I noticed how Room 8 was rapidly growing and saw some ways how I could help the company’s growth and progress.

How long have you known Gleb Platonov?

We have known each other for approximately five years. We met at the office of Gameloft Kharkiv, where we were working side by side on similar projects.

How do you plan to start? What are your first steps?

First of all, I’ll start with four p’s of Room 8: People, Processes, Projects, and Products. I will get along with key people, Leads, and Heads of Departments. I`ll learn more about the company’s structure, culture, and how to fit in.

These are the main points that are my priority in this position. After I’m done with the four p’s, I will start to think about the ways of improvement and further growth.

How do you see the game dev industry changes in 5-10 years?

[smiling] Usually, the question is about 1-2 years, so this one arises of particular interest. Current tendencies will preserve in the industry. If now the entry threshold is pretty low with such engines as Unreal and Unity, it will fall even more so that any child can develop a game [laughing]. But at the same time, in the future ocean of games, there will be a steady demand for products made professionally. As for technologies, I agree with the idea that AR will be the next big thing, and I am curious where VR will land after all. 5-10 years is a long time to predict any changes; the mobile games industry has formed in 10 years, so I don’t take responsibility for making specific predictions.

We know you plan to speak at Games Gathering. What is the topic? Who should visit and why?

Well, my topic will be Functional and GUI Testing Automation in Unity. It will be helpful for game producers, tech executives, QA leads, and others who strive to improve the QA quality and save time. Room 8 has the unique experience of building efficient automated CI and CD processes that transform QA into a scalable solution. The time-saving effect is impressive. The solution does in just 47 seconds what it would have taken a human about 30 minutes to do. And on multiple devices! Won’t spoil it anymore; visit the session at GG for details.

What are your biggest challenges in the new role?

I can already see that the main challenge is scalability. The team has done a great job growing 100% for several consecutive years so far. There are 200 professionals right now, with plans to become 400 in 2018. The bigger the team, the more complicated it is to scale up. It should be done with the proper structure rather than just adding people, which is my primary mission here. Secondly, I have to extend my professional knowledge by adding platforms, as previously, I was focused mainly on mobile games.

Honestly, it was a tough decision for me to leave Gameloft Minsk, which I had been building for years. I’ve got accustomed to many things that will probably be different now. I am sure I can deal with that, but I felt I was leaving a part of me.

Thank you for sharing your ideas, and we’re looking forward to more cool projects with you.

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    Elena Natsvlishvili
    Head of production
    Vadim Krayevoy