
White Nights Art Battle: Results

May 30, 2017, was a special day for Room 8 Studio as we announced the results of the internal competition “White Nights Art Battle.” The statistics are the following: 21 participants, ten finalists, and four winners.

Happy to share the works of our heroes (the voting was available on our ArtStation page):

First place (170 likes)

Second place (165 likes)

Third place (118 likes)

Fourth place (106 likes)

All our talented winners will visit the cultural capital of the Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, and attend the conference “Artillery: Second Shot.”

Worth noting that notwithstanding the first experience in carrying out such an event, the rules and deadlines were rather strict. Also, we’ve designed unique logo and banners. Almost all employees of our Art Division, directly or indirectly, were engaged in the activity: following the news and updates, giving grounded feedback, supporting participants, and providing organizational assistance.

We hope that such competitions will become a tradition for our company.

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    Elena Natsvlishvili
    Head of production
    Vadim Krayevoy